Pamp Suisse Gold

Pamp stands for Produits Artistiques de Métaux Précieux, which is a metals refinery in Castel San Pietro in Switzerland. PAMP offers a comprehensive range of gold bullion bars - refined up to 999.9, or even 999.99 purities. They are available from 400-ounce (12.5-kgs, accepted as 'Good Delivery' in all major markets worldwide) through to kilo, ten-tola, 100-grams and tael bars. Sizes and purities of bars are matched to the special requirements of regional markets, fabricators or end users. The Pamp trademark is well accepted by traders and gold wholesalers from all over the world. Pamp is a name of quality and a guarantee of excellence. Who is the one on the PAmp Suisse Bars? Fortuna - goddess of fortun. Pamp Suisse Gold, pamp suisse gold bar
PAMP bars are acceptable as ‘Good Delivery’ by the Swiss National Bank, the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), London Platinum and Palladium Market (LPPM), the Dubai Multi Commodity Center (DMCC) and the leading futures markets of COMEX/NYMEX, Chicago Metals Exchange (CME), Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM), as well as the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE).